Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stena Confidence Rough Weather Footage

Stena is a company operating one of the largest ferry transportation systems in the world. Most of the service is in northern Europe and includes most of the British Isles with service to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Britain. They also have service to Holland, Sweden, Poland, Norway and Germany. Stena is a conglomerate of ferry operations that has come about after decades of mergers, acquistions, disvestments, partnerships and other business arrangements.
Stena has continued to add new routes as well as regularly adding new ships to its substantial fleet of ferries that operate across many knots of the atlantic and north sea. In time of financial difficulty it is quite amazing that Stena has continued to order the delivery of new vessels. That has had a significant although not miraculous impact on the shipyards of Europe.
As can be seen in the above video, Stena is not just a company of ferry transport. Stena also operates an off shore drilling company. Stena has not experienced the negative media coverage that some of the off shore drilling companies have suffered, because of their commitment to technological development and safety. Stena also operates a line of vessels that transport the oil from the off shore rigs to the refineries throughout Europe.These tremendous ocean going vehicles carry billions of gallons of oil every year.
Stena also operates a less known metall (metal) division. This division started as the leader in scrap metal in Scandanavia, but Stena has expanded from dealing with scrap metal to recycling paper, chemicals, glass and many other products. This has made Stena a leader in the environmental effort to reduce reuse recycle. A company like Stena frequently receives criticism for dealing in oil and steel, but their business practices set a standard that should be followed by any other company that wants to have an international presence and maintain a very positive reputation.